Alright you guys. Things are about to get real for a moment. Our first day in Italy is what nightmares are made of when it comes to traveling to a foreign country. I can't begin to express how crazy our first day journeying into this city was, but I'm certainly going to try!
We left Geneva, Switzerland bright & early (around 4:30am) & went to the airport to start the flying process. That's when it all began.
When we found our check-in desks, we came to the realization that so had 9304938829290 other people! We were SHOCKED to see how many people were already in line for multiple flights. We flew through the airline, EasyJet. While at first we thought booking with them would be "easy" because of how quickly & simple it was to book on their site, the actual flying process in person was horrendous. We even gave ourselves the appropiate amount of airport time needed for international flights. NOPE! That didn't even cut it. Because of how slow they were getting people through the lines & the very few desks that were open, our flight ended up getting called over the intercom to be "rushed" through to the front of the lines just to be able to make it. And to make matters worse: our gate was literally on the either side of the Geneva airport. Seriously. So yea, we ran as fast as we could & thankfully made it on time. Returning from Italy, we actually saw the SAME thing happening to flights from EasyJet as well. THANKFULLY, we only had one flight through them & we had already experienced it. We could not have handled that twice.
Once we landed into Naples, our next task was to find out how to get to our hotel. It was about 3 hours away so we knew we needed to get on the next available bus ASAP. WRONG! This was where we made a huge mistake. Travel Tip: If you are traveling anywhere in Italy, I HIGHLY suggest taking a taxi. Do Not. Do Not. Do Not. take a bus if your end destination is more than 30 minutes away. You will regret it immensely. We had two bus rides before getting off at the appropriate stop & we realized that we were never going to be taking that means of transportation again. The first ride was perfectly fine. No troubles whatsoever HOWEVER, once we got onto the second bus, we were instantly crammed in with 9739749349 other passengers. With absolutely no room to stand, let alone barely enough to breath, we came to the first stop. No one got off BUT more people were getting ON! Uh, yes. I am dead serious. This bus was a giant death trap. And let me remind you: we were on the coast line so that means this huge bus was speeding on an extremely narrow, curvy, two-sided road all while twisting & turning up these CLIFFS! All the while, scooters & pedestrians are casually cruising along, cutting off people casually. I would not have been surprised if I saw movie cameras because it seriously felt like I was in one for those entire 3 hours. Literally one of the worse things I have ever experienced. And on top of all of it, it was HOT! Chaos, traffic, & heat. 3 things that are bound to make an experience, well..... an experience! Unfortunately, words do not help explain how hectic this day was & it's definitely something someone needs to experience first hand if they truly wish to understand it.
However, once we got ourselves situated & found our bus stop, the hotel had a complimentary shuttle lift to take us to the hotel. (So nice to slow down!) And once we arrived, they immediately greeted us with the kindest smiles & greetings we've had on our entire trip. They even provided us with complimentary flavored water as soon as we walked into the lobby. They must've known what all we just experienced! Ha! Talk about SWEET! We stayed at Hotel Margherita, the nicest hotel of our entire stay! The view was outstanding, the entire staff was INCREDIBLY sweet, & our stay overall was unforgettable. They went out of their way on everything & they even provide their guests with complimentary shuttle services in & around the city if you want it. Who doesn't love complimentary services?? This guys does! We didn't have anything planned for this city except to check out the area (as always) & to go to one of the local beaches. Hands-down an incredible spot, no matter how insanely crazy it was! It only makes for awesome memories, right? I'll just stick with that!
Our last stop returns us back to Dublin. A city that's full of so much charm, rich history, & pubs. Lots & lots of pubs. It's a classic stop you'll want to read about!
However, in the meantime, thanks for reading & enjoy these images!