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The Curley Family - Family Session

I met up with the Curley clan last Saturday & we instantly kicked it off with some awesome images right out the gate. Each thing I threw at them, they all knocked it out of the park every time. Plus we had some of the best weather that worked in our favor. Although, I wouldn't be mad if it started to actually feeling like fall now. I mean, I'm totally digging the 80 degree days, but there is just something about crisp mornings & evenings that line up more perfectly with the falling leaves, rather than summertime temps! What's a guy gotta do around here? Geesh!

ANYways back on track, these little dudes were rocking it the entire time & they even had some commentary to go along with it: "I thought you said we were done taking pictures!" "Why are we laying on top of each other? This doesn't make any sense." "Ice-cream? I want ice-cream!" (Me too buddy, me too). Pretty much everything & anything they were saying was crazy & I loved every minute of it. Kids are some of the best subjects to photograph because of their spontaneity! As with most sessions, it was so hard to pick favorites but I think these justify as to how much fun the Curleys are. They all have fantastic personalities & I can't wait to hand them off their images!

However, in the meantime, thanks for reading & enjoy these images!

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