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Reeghan & Dalton - A Solomons Island Engagement Session

Whenever I mention having any kind of portrait session at sunrise, most of the time I'm looked at like I have two heads. "A sunrise session, are you crazy!?" are usually the thoughts that instantly pop up in people's minds (and mine too to be honest, because who the heck likes waking up BEFORE the sun) but honestly, these kind of sessions offer some of the best lighting scenarios ever, plus crowd control is NEVER a problem! Reeghan & Dalton met me in Solmons Island bright & early last Thursday and from there, we were right on schedule.

I was able to learn more about their relationship, how they met, who they are as a couple & even learned about their current career endeavors. They both have awesome life goals & from the looks of their images from this session, I can easily see how much they both love & appreciate each other. As a photographer, it's always so fun to see how couples play off of each other, especially in these kind of sessions, and it's never a dull moment helping to capture the little jokes they make behind the scenes. Best of all, when you're still able to capture all of those fall colors in December, HELLO! I am not hating ANY sunrise session!

It may have been super chilly during Reeghan & Dalton's session, but there is definitely plenty of warmth and love coming from these images! If all winter sessions could be like this, that'd be great!

However, in the meantime, thanks for reading & enjoy these images!

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