If you've ever wondered what could make your portrait session more sweeter, more happier, more fun... WELL, just add a dog (or two) & you're in for a serious treat! Chelsea & Shane brought along their two doggos Hero & Nova to snap some family portraits & these guys had the TIME of their lives (Chelsea & Shane had a pretty decent time too ha).
We met up at Jefferson Patterson Park to hang for a bit & it was literally the perfect spot for all of us. We had lots of areas to choose from for shooting & the pups had a plethora of fields to run around & blast off into the unknown with. Literally. They were running ALL around, left and right. Honestly, I'd give anything to have just HALF of their energy! Haha
It turned out to be such an incredible evening, weather wise, and the temps & light were just as magical as ever. I'm starting to see fall slowly show its colors around us & I'm SO stinking excited to soak it all in soon. Can we just pretend it hasn't been 99° outside? Haha
However in the meantime, thanks for reading & enjoy these images!